“Miles of Smiles”. Adventures in Laughter Yoga.

Only 4 weeks to go before our epic 500 mile cycle ride and Laughter Yoga marathon around the north coast of Scotland and I’m starting to feel pretty excited. Hahahaha.

BikeFrom the 4th to 16th September I will be cycle touring the NC500 with two friends (Darren and Sammy) as part of the Laughter Time “Miles of Smiles” UK Laughter Yoga Tour.


“Miles of Smiles” is simply about helping people to come together and feel good in a way that is easy, sustainable and fun. Making connections, building relationships and laughing out loud.

It’s our wee mission to share health and happiness throughout the communities of the Northern Highlands and the 14 day tour will include Laughter Yoga workshops in Inverness, Gairloch, Ullapool, Thurso, John O’Groats, Wick and Dornoch before ending in Inverness on Friday 16th September.

Combining my love of the wilderness with a passion for Laughter Yoga, I’ll be sharing the true power of laughter, mindfulness and meditation with as many people as possible along the way. Connecting communities with laughter for happiness, health and wellbeing. Spreading a wee bit o’cheer o’er the hills and doon ta Loch Ness. Hahahahah.

Image result for loch ness monster

The press have started to support us, we’ve got some venues and dates coming together and the Laughter Tour map has been updated here: http://www.laughtertime.co.uk/tour

We always feel better when we laugh and that’s for some very good (and scientifically proven) reasons but laughter is also the fastest, easiest and most natural way I know to directly connect with our own inner sense of joy and peace. Laughter is the very point of life itself and that’s why it feels so good!

It’s about setting our intention to be happy, giving ourselves permission to laugh, going with the flow and helping others to smile along the way and that’s exactly what the Laughter Tour is all about. Well, that, and the small matter of 500 miles on two wheels. Heheheheh 😉
NC500 logo
Now to shave my legs (I’m not sure why but it seems to be the thing).

With love and laughter,
Wes. Hahahahah

PS – If you would like to support our not-for-profit community outreach work then you can do so by making a donation to the Laughter Foundation. Thank you.

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